Affordable Art Fair Milano, 9-12 Febbraio 2017

La Galleria The Eye Contemporary Art presenterà vari miei dipinti all’AAF di Milano dal 9 al 12 Febbraio 2017. Per l’occasione verranno mostrati alcuni lavori della serie “Le Città Nascoste” e “Mikrokosmos” e due nuovi grandi dipinti ultimati nel 2016. Venite a visitarci allo stand E7! Per informazioni: The Eye Contemporary Art Gallery AAF Milano […]

Partnership with The Eye Contemporary Art Gallery

The international representation started on 2016 with The Eye Contemporary Art Gallery will continue and strenghten on 2017. Together we will collaborate to show my works at many international art fairs during the year, starting with Milan and Brussels on February 9-12 and 16-20 respectively. The Eye will also work on my first solo exhibition […]

Lux Art Fair: 8-11 December 2016, Luxembourg

I’m happy to inform you that several paintings and other smaller works of mine will be exhibited by the Eye Contemporary Art Gallery at the Lux Art Fair in Luxembourg from 8th to 11st December 2016. You can come to visit us at the stand 70, see you there!

AAF Art Fair Hong Kong 2016 @ The Eye Contemporary Art Gallery

I’m really happy to inform you that several of my recent works will be exhibited at the AAF Art Fair in Hong Kong by The Eye Contemporary Art Gallery. Visit us on 13/14/15 May at Stand B03!